Data, data and more data

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So this week I’ve been going through data. So lets start at the beginning. There are four different animal diet systems in place for this project, low forage (LF), high forage (HF), home grown (HG) and by-product (BP).

The LF diet consisted of wheat grain, sugar beet pulp, wheat distillers grains, soya hulls, rumen bypass fats, Sopralin & Alkcarb, grass silage, maize silage, Alkalage and Minerals/Vitamins.

The HF diet consisted of grass silage, maize silage, Alkalage, rapeseed meal, Barley distillers grains, wheat distillers grains and Minerals/Vitamins

The HG diet consisted of grass silage, spring beans, wheat grain, red clover silage, maize silage, Lucerne silage and Minerals/Vitamins.

The BP diet consisted of barley straw, sugar beet pulp molasses, breakfast cereal (maize gluten), vitagold, biscuit meal, wheat distillers dark grains, soya bean meal hipro 50%, molasses cane, minerals (High P) and rumen bypass fat.

So as you can see the diets are all very different. So to figure out the different emission factors for each of the diets, I have to use feedprint to get up to date emission factors for each compent in the diet. I need to this for both mass and economic so that I can compare them. They I mst break down how much each of these emission factors are part of the diet. This is very interesting but takes alot of time and effort.

My leg is still an issue but I did mange to do a tiny bit of exploring, I went to Ross fountain by Edinburgh castle. I can’t help but think of how in history soldiers would have looked up at this formidable castle and tried to seize it, it would have be an extremely difficult and daunting task. The choice of its location is ideal, it is built up high with sear rock under its walls. This can be seen in the photo below. There is only one real feasible way in which requires the challengers to fight up hill all the way. Capturing this castle in battle would have been an almost impossible feat. But it has been captured many times over the centuries, the most impressive being when only 30 members of Robert the Bruce forces in the 14th century managed to scale the daunting sear rock and walls during darkness of night and reclaimed it from England for Scotland.

Ross fountain and the new barracks in Edinburgh castle