A week ago I handed in my thesis – my ~140 page, colourful baby filled with graphs and maps. I’ve just about recovered from my diet of tea, pizza and chocolate biscuits. Next Monday the MSc CCAFS class of 2016/2017 will present their theses to an audience of last year’s class, next year’s class, interested ...
I arrived back in Galway a week ago to finish writing my thesis which is due in 3 weeks. I have been working on finishing my second objective with the help of my supervisors in Cambridge, New York and Galway. Writing up my thesis has involved some coding in R to determine start of season ...
The NUI Galway Plant & AgriBiosciences Research Centre (PABC) and the global Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) program will host an international Conference on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security in the National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway) on Monday 24th April 2017. The CCAFS global research programme is a collaboration ...
I discovered in mid-July of 2016 that I had received a scholarship to study in Ireland. The course was a Masters in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. The university, NUIG. The sponsor, Irish Aid. I arrived to a fading summer in Dublin to meet the ICOS staff who would support me during my studies ...