Climate change adaptation in West Africa needs to be driven by investments in agriculture

Climate change adaptation in West Africa needs to be driven by investments in agriculture
March 14, 2017. Laura Cramer (CCAFS) A new study finds that strong economic development in West Africa can increase food security and agricultural development, but low investment in agriculture will worsen the negative effects of climate change on agriculture. It may not be possible to see into the future, but envisioning certain possibilities, or scenarios, ...

To be an MSc CCAFS student…

07. March 2017 blog 0
To be an MSc CCAFS student…
I discovered in mid-July of 2016 that I had received a scholarship to study in Ireland. The course was a Masters in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. The university, NUIG. The sponsor, Irish Aid. I arrived to a fading summer in Dublin to meet the ICOS staff who would support me during my studies ...