
The festival of Augustus has been  celebrated for 2035 years ferragosto celebrates the battle of Actium with Octavian being victorious. That Octavian happened to change his name to Augustus and began celebrating the ferroagusto is no coincidence I’m sure….

The ancient nature of the holiday from a time when agricultural production was the primary source of wealth, of course has an agricultural nature. Its a time for resting all beasts of burden, they traditionally were pampered in flowers and given the entire day to graze to their hearts content, it was to prepare the animals for the harvests. It served also for farm labourers ( slaves…) to have a day off to prepare for the harvests.

It also happens to be the feast of the assumption of Mary but I prefer the pagan festival with horse racing across the Roman Empire.  Plus it is an excuse for everyone in Rome to take a holiday. Well not I as my thesis is due next week. Coupled with the temperature sticking around 40 degrees, I am not a very happy guy.


But at least it looks like they are having fun and in Sardinia it hit 50 degrees which I think would kill me.