CSA Policies, Financies, Institutions and Practices in Malawi : Sneak peak at main Findings

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Malawi has made some strides in including climate change and climate-smart agriculture in its policy instruments though in-depth details about CSA implementation is still limited. Most of the policies lack coherence and are not strongly linked to each other


Malawi has accessed some climate funds for adaptation, mitigation and productivity, however, stakeholder knowledge about other sources is limited.


There are several institutions implementing livelihoods projects in Malawi. Despite including CSA related interventions, the trading name and approaches applied in the interventions may not necessarily be CSA. There is a huge fragmentation of the institutions and practices being implemented in the CSA umbrella and there is some miscoordination within and between institutions.


There is a significant difference between the CSA practices promoted by the CSA institutions and those adopted by the farmers.

Top adopted practices include Crop diversification, Irrigation farming and Conservation agriculture. Experts reported CSA practices such as using recommended crop varieties, improved livestock production, Agroforestry and early, timely and uniform planting among the top promoted CSA practices in Malawi.


When the Malawi CSA Country profile is finalised, a link to it on the CCAFS page will be added. Check back.