
Over the past number of weeks in preparation for my arrival in Tennessee, I have done research on Climate Change and the impacts it will have on dairy production systems – mainly organic. I focused my research on the areas of
1)- Impact of climate change on livestock – http://Chase, L. E. (2006). “Climate change impacts on dairy cattle.” Fact sheet, Climate Change and Agriculture: Promoting Practical and Profitable Responses. Online at http://climateandfarming. org/pdfs/FactSheets/III. 3Cattle. pdf.
2)- Organic Milk production – http://Greene, C. R. and A. Kremen (2003). US organic farming in 2000-2001: Adoption of certified systems.
3)- Minerals and their importance in lactating dairy cows – http://Corah, L. (1996). “Trace mineral requirements of grazing cattle.” Animal Feed Science and Technology 59(1-3): 61-70.
4)- Cool and Warm season grass/legume species – http://Hudson, D. J., et al. (2010). “Integrated warm-and cool-season grass and legume pastures: I. Seasonal forage dynamics.” Agronomy journal 102(1): 303-309.