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One more deep breath・もう一息

It's finally coming to an end, almost wrapped up my more deep breath until it's done! My thesis started off with the exploration of the relationship between AWD and yield, but through all of my research and work I ended up talking about AWD and residue management. What I mean by this is that when the farmer finishes harvesting their crop, what do they do with all of the left over rice straw residue? Well, there are not too many options, either you burn it, use it, or send it away.

From what I can tell with my limited research, each of these options is unique and impacts the farmers differently. Burning is the easiest option for the them as they just burn the residue in the field. Using the residue may include burying it in the soil which may improve the soil content. Finally, removing the residue is the last and most diverse option. Once the residue is removed it can be used as a component for mulch, used in mushroom production, or as animal fodder. It may also be used a biofuel or just burned elsewhere. This option needs more study, possibly though an LCA.