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How to title these posts…hmmm

As the title states I'm still quite stuck on how to name each post so they flow...maybe just number them? or have some species name? Decisions, decisions...

Anyway, it's Tuesday around 16:00 (Japan time), about an hour left at the office. Just working on the good ol' lit review. Finally managed to gather all of the relevant information (even though I feel there is a plethora of information still out there, but I'll update it as I carry on).

It's been a challenging day, trying to come up with a narrative that flows AND contains all of the necessary information AND gives the reader enough information. It'll come together little by little, just need to keep at it every day.

Besides the thesis stuff, it's been interesting to get back into the swing of things in Japan. I'm happy I've been given this experience to work at a research center and not a traditional Japanese company. However, the similarities are abundant, both being Japanese organizations of course. I have quite a few thoughts in regards to that but those will be explored later.

After a week of being here I finally managed to get some kaiten-sushi・回転寿司 (revolving sushi bar) last night, luckily there is one not to far from the office, maybe a 30 min walk or so? Even though eating out has been interesting for the past two weeks I'm excited to start cooking again next week once I move into my temporary apartment...make some good old mash & veg and some sun dried tomato mozzarella cheese sandwiches.