Descriptive analysis of the policies

1)Increase in the number of policies

When we collected data, we found that the policies of the previous year or two will appear in the policies of 2018 and 2019. This is because the duration of these policies is not just the year that they were formulated. But when counting this number, only the policies that were implemented in that year were counted. We can still see that under the influence of CCAFS, the relevant policies formulated in 2018 have increased significantly compared to 2017. Although there was a slight decline in 2019, it is still much larger than the number of policy formulations in 2017.

Trends in the number of newly implemented policies in 2017, 2018, and 2019

2) Countries that have formulated CCAFS related policies

We can clearly see that the regions that established policies are mainly Asia, Africa and Latin America. This is because these regions are more vulnerable when facing climate change. For example, due to lack of economic resources and technology, the adaptability of African human systems is very low, and due to its heavy dependence on rain-fed agriculture, frequent droughts and floods, and poverty, its vulnerability is high. In Latin America, as the intensity of tropical cyclones increases, extreme weather disasters will also increase, causing great harm to ecology and high vulnerability. Extreme events are also increasing in temperate and tropical regions of Asia, including floods, droughts, forest fires and tropical cyclones. At the same time, developing countries in Asia have low agricultural productivity and high vulnerabilities, and they also need support from the CCAFS projects.  

In 2017-2019, there are countries that implemented policies contributed by CCAFS programs (the position of the circle represents its geographic location; the size of the circle represents the number of policies)

3) Sub-Intermediate development Outcomes (IDOs)

The complex and dynamic relationship between climate change, agriculture and food security of poor households urgently requires changes in the food system-major changes in agricultural practices and regions, landscape management, food storage and distribution, and consumption choices. CCAFS is committed to promoting positive changes in climate-smart agriculture, food systems and landscapes by focusing on five Intermediate Development Outcomes (IDOs). Below this level are indirect development results (sub-idos), which represent research results adopted by direct users such as National Agricultural Research System (NARS) researchers and national policy makers. In the figure below we can see the sub-idos of the policies contributed by CCAFS. The most sub-idos is 41-Conducive agricultural policy environment, which belongs to idos-policies and institution. Three of the top five sub-idos with the largest number belong to idos-climate changes, namely 35-Enabled environment for climate resilience, 34-Enhanced capacity to deal with climatic risks and extremes (Mitigation and adaptation achieved) and 31-Reduced net greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, forests and other forms of land-use (Mitigation and adaptation achieved).

Frequency of Sub-Intermediate Development Outcomes (IDOs) from 2017 to 2019

4) Government bodies involved in projects that contribute to these policies

The following table counts the number of government organizations in all organizations participating in the policies contributed by CCAFS projects on the Marlo platform. Since these projects may be implemented in different countries, the information about this project on the Marlo platform will include multiple countries. But in our statistics, we only found out the government organizations in the policy-making countries and counted the number.

government bodies  involved in these projectsFrequencygovernment bodies  involved in these projectsFrequency
MARD – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Vietnam)9Ministry of Water and Irrigation (Kenya)2
MAAIF – Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (Uganda)                                                              5MWE – Ministry of Water and Environment (Uganda)                                                                  2
MALF – Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (Kenya)4CIV – Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Infraestructura y Vivienda (Guatemala)1
ICAR – Indian Council of Agricultural Research3DMH – Department of Meteorology and Hydrology(Myanmar)1
MADR – Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (Colombia)3ITPGRFA – International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (governing body)1
Mbale District Local Government(Uganda)3MAFF – Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Cambodia)1
MinAgri – Ministry of Agriculture (Madagascar)  3MEFCC – Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate change (Ethiopia)     1
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (Rwanda)3Ministry of Environment (Rwanda)1
Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (Bhutan)3Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Vietnam)1
Nwoya District Local Government(Uganda)3Ministry of Planning (Bangladesh)1
DAFF – Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (South Africa)2MOAD – Ministry of Agricultural Development (Nepal)1
MAG – Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería (Costa Rica)2MoANR – Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Ethiopia)1
MAGA – Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación (Guatemala)2MoC – Ministry of Commerce (Cambodia)                                                    1
MESSRS – Ministère de la Jeunesse, de la Formation et de l’Insertion Profesionnelles (Burkina Faso)                  2NEDA – National Economic and Development Authority (Philippines)1
Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Kenya)2SAG – Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (Honduras)1

Government organizations that participated in these CCAFS programs from 2017 to 2019