Literature review phase.

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The beginning! I will be exploring previously done peer-reviewed work on the impacts of climate change on livestock generally, which will narrow down to focus on the challenges experienced by farmers in the South African livestock (Beef and/ Dairy) production systems. although it should be kept in mind that livestock also has an impact on climate change through the emission of greenhouse gases such as methane from livestock. where emissions output differs per livestock system practised (lesser for highly intensive systems).

There are three livestock production systems;

  • Extensive (pasture grazing)
  • Mixed
  • and, Intensive ( livestock is fed high energy crops).

wherein the developing countries the commonly practised is extensive and mixed and will be the most affected by climate change, intensive is only used by farmers with a stable market and less affected since livestock environment can be controlled. for example in highly industrialized dairy farms, there are cooling systems such as water cooling sprays to avoid heat stress on livestock that would result in negative milk production. therefore suitable response systems suitable for all farming systems to adapt and mitigate are critical for food security maintenance.