Portfolio Analysis Update

Since the portfolio analysis was finished at the end of May its has now come together in this new research tool on the climate security homepage.

As you can see from the image above you can use the drop down menus to filters the results by choosing drivers of conflict and/or regions and/or countries to only show you the literature and research sources you are interested in viewing on a given topic. It provides a direct link to the original source that you can use to then visit and download the original source.

source https://climatesecurity.cgiar.org/

Another exciting update about the Climate Security programme, over the past few months they have began a webinar series that is still on going. It features guest speakers on some very relevant and interesting topics about climate and conflict.

link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM2nmulYUUvk-Eywj8QCRsWzkHrLq5rIC