Cities and the Circular Economy

Cities are responsible for roughly 80% of greenhouse gas production and 50% global waste. Around half of greenhouse gas produced by cities is caused by the extraction and processing of resources, much of which are from unrenewable sources. In addition to this, much of the products and infrastructure around these products have a limited lifespan ...

Formal and informal institutions creating an enabling environment to turn ideas into action

Scaling up climate smart agriculture requires support on many levels from policy to financing mechanisms, to create an enabling environment for climate smart agricultural transformation at national and international levels. Climate change affects communities in different ways and not all equally and depends on socioeconomic factors, human capital and policy environment and as a result ...

Mycelium, a promising future

Population growth, ethical concerns, and planetary and public welfare are the key intertwined issues when addressing food, and in particular meat and dairy production. The EAT Lancet Food in the Anthropocene article brought to the fore a possible framework for future food systems and ideal diet and highlights how food systems must transform to facilitate ...

Milan Urban Food Policy Pact and Food Smart Cities

In Milan in 2015, 137 mayors from cities around the world gathered to discuss food security and sustainable development. From this meeting the concept of the Food Smart City was conceived, giving cities a concept to work towards to transition to new urban food systems. This meeting concluded with cities signing the Milan Urban Food ...

City Region Food Systems Toolkit by FAO/RUAF

The term City Region Food System,by%20strengthening%20rural%2Durban%20linkages. has been defined as the “complex network of actors, processes, and relationships to do with food production, processing, marketing, and consumption that exist in a given geographical region that includes a more or less concentrated urban center and its surrounding peri urban and rural hinterland; a regional landscape ...

Small Farm Future

I was sent this book recently by a friend and thought I would share it here. While not exactly touching on city food systems it does speak to some of the themes of community building and alternative food networks i had been researching, Small Farm Future by sociologist Chris Smaje outlines the possible future ...

Open Source Urbanism

Much discussion has gone into rethinking urban spaces. The present crisis of climate change, increased migration to cities and increased likelihood of outbreaks akin to Covid 19 have created an appetite for rethinking of territorial uses and considering urban and peri urban transformation. Biodiversity protection, effects of land use change and embracing the potential of ...

City Region Food Systems, Food System 3.0?

There was a point in time around the end of the noughties where, for the first time in human history the population in urban areas exceeded that of the population in rural areas. It is expected that by 2050 the world’s urban population will increase by another 2.5 billion equating to two thirds of the ...