The Sustainable Food Systems Team in CIAT

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I have just finished day 2 in the CIAT office in Hanoi. Jet lag got the better of me and I survived off only 2 hours sleep for my first day of work. Not ideal! However back to normal today and it was full pace. I had a chance to present my project objectives at the Country Coordination and Engagement Meeting – A4NH (Agriculture for Nutrition and Health) Vietnam. As well as getting some feedback on my own brief I heard about many other projects, plans, and ongoing research within ILRI and CIAT and how they could potentially link up and collaborate. One of the other participants from the meeting, in particular, should have some secondary data that could be useful for my project.

There was mention of more upcoming meetings, also being held in CIAT which I hope to get the chance to go along to. Although not directly related to my project, it’s good to grasp these opportunities while I’m here.