‘Rome was not built in a day’

After all the hassle trying to get a visa for Italy, I have finally arrived in Rome. I started my research internship at IFAD and I am still finding my feet.  The organisation has  a huge network of interns whom have been very supportive in helping me settle in.

I met my  supervisor  yesterday – Ilaria Firmian and we tried to determine the objectives of my research. It’s still not clear yet what my research will entail but  Rome was not built in a day, so the research will be thrashed out in due time.

The main objective  is to develop a transformation framework that will help in  mainstreaming gender, youth, nutrition and climate change outcomes. I am conducting a literature review that focuses on transformation for the rural sector, the different mainstreaming approaches, and the effectiveness of these approaches. I am also trying to see how value chain approaches can be integrated in the development of the framework.

I will continue learning on the topic and understanding the targeting policies at IFAD.
