The Population Dynamics

Source: World Bank Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals

Demographic trends indicate that population increase will largely take place in developing countries. The United Nations population projections show that the world population of 7.2 billion in mid-2013 will increase by almost 1 billion people in the next 12 years (UNDESA, 2013). This will reach 8.1 billion by 2025, 9.6 billion by 2050 and 10.9 billion by 2100. The additional 3.7 billion people will live in developing countries. They will be distributed among the population aged 15 to 59 (1.6 billion) and 60 or over (1.99 billion) (UNDESA, 2013).

Currently, the total world population is made up of 45 % residing in rural areas and 55 % in urban areas (WorldBank, 2017). In low-income countries, this figure represents 68 % residing in rural areas and 32 % in urban areas. A large part of this consists of young people. The population of young people in the world today aged 15 to 29 is over 1.8 billion, 87 % of whom are living in developing countries (Commonwealth, 2016). In Africa and across Asia, there is a growing population of young people comprised of adolescent and young adults (Yeboah, 2018).

Nearly 1 million people turn 18 every month in India (Yeboah, 2018). The population of young people aged 12 to 24 living in Africa is expected to rise by 28 %  in 2040, while the share of other regions is estimated to decline by a proportion of 17.6 % from 2010 to 13.5 % in 2050 (UNDESA, 2011). The regions of Asia and the Pacific is projected to have the steepest decline from 61 % in 2012 to 52 %  in 2040 (UNDESA, 2011)

The position of rural youth as a distinct group varies across regions and is subject to change over time (FAO, 2010a). While in East Africa the percentage of rural youth in 2005 was 16 %, the figure for South America in the same year was 3.4 % (FAO, 2010a). In most regions the proportion of rural youth has declined since 1950 and an even greater decline is anticipated for the future (IFAD, 2014e). Although the proportion of rural youth is decreasing, in terms of absolute numbers it will keep increasing until the mid-century (IFAD, 2014e). These demographic trends  highlight that youth will continue to constitute a high proportion of the rural population.

Cycling through the end

Ciao Friends!












Its been a while since I posted and its all because I was cycling  through the research project.

If you have been following the development agenda, you will have noticed that mentions of youth have been sparking everywhere. This is because young people are still facing interlocked forms of discrimination, limited political inclusion, high levels of poverty, limited access to health systems, educational opportunities and decent jobs IFAD (2007). As we know young people are the ‘now’ and the ‘future’. It is essential that organisations such as IFAD align their investments to ensure that the livelihoods of young people are sustained.

A little update on my research. I have started working on producing results for my research project, where I was reviewing IFAD project documents and identifying areas of success in engaging rural youth and areas that can be further strengthened.  From what I have reviewed thus far, IFAD has made significant efforts in engaging youth through its investments. However, there is room for improvement.

That is all for now.



Young and ready to move

The Annual General Assembly of  the Global Donor Platform for rural development was held in Berlin on the 13 – 14 June 2018 . The event was titled “Young and ready to move- empowering the new generation in the rural space“.

Some of the key messages that emerged from the meeting:

  • Challenges that young people in rural areas face are interlinked and require systematic thinking to solve them
  • Donors need to generate an environment for private sector integration.
  • The use of social media can be effective to communicate valuable information to the young people.
  • Farmers need be to empowered in the changing world. Donors can support this by providing basic and technical education, enhance farmers’ capacities to learn, innovate and adapt.The  video  below provides some of the key messages that came from the meeting.

The  video  provides some of the key messages that came from  stakeholders at the meeting.

This meeting is useful to reinforce engagement and participation of rural youth at all levels. It was interesting to see how the event had several panel discussions that were inclusive of youth and provided a platform for exchange of knowledge and experiences.