Food Systems and Policy Coherence

Earlier in this blog i wrote about food systems, today i came accross a tweet from the UNDP Climate which addressed the five considerations for reforming food systems which were:

  1. The goals of the Paris Agreement cant be reached without transformation of our food systems.
  2. Policy Coherence is required to support a sustainable change in our agri- food systems.
  3. Overcoming challenges in coordination, data availability and finance are necessary to build resilient food systems
  4. Partnerships with private sector bodies can lead to benifits for action on climate issues
  5. Specific sectors can target adaptation and mitgation targets in Nationally Determined Contributions through the transformation of food systems.

Figure 1: Tweet from the UNDP Climate

It was good to see the inclusion of the policy coherence mentioned in the five key takeaways from the food systems summity. I believe it si of upmost importance throughout the world to reduce negative spill overs accross policy domains.

You can read more about the key considerations of the summit by clicking on the link below: