Hello, July!

Hello, July!

Hello there,

Continuing on the post “It is DATA time!”, for the last weeks, I have been working (with Microsoft Excel) on the Cauca CSV surveys data. It is a long process before getting some results and starting to analyse them.

Firstly, I reviewed the raw data. Each module (M0-M5) was reviewed using the different 7 localities as a filter to make easier to find errors and blanks. While reviewing the data I was comparing which questions were answered with the Question Tree “CSV-5Q Implementer” – for more information check Climate Smart Village Monitoring Plan.

Secondly, once reviewed the data, I focused on the different indicators (household livelihoods and community adoption trends – Climate Smart Village Monitoring Plan page 9 and 10) to see which questions of the survey are related to each indicator.

Thirdly, once identified each question for the specific indicator, I wrote down in words the formula to obtain each indicator from the answers of each question. While doing this I had in consideration gender, households, the 7 different villages, CSA implementers and non-implementers, climate events and the 9 different CSA practices implemented in Cauca CSV.

Fourthly, I am on this step where I am starting to get actual results for each indicator taking into consideration the formulas already done. The indicators are calculated as a percentage, so there is a previous step before getting the result. Counting how many people answered each question in the total survey and in each village (disaggregated by gender and households when required).

Next week I will have all the indicators results so the most interesting part of analysing results will happen!

I will keep you posted,
