Goodbye Galway. Hello Hanoi

I guess the best time to write my first blog post is on the flight to Vietnam. After milking two weeks of goodbye parties and some tears it was finally time for me to leave home for the first time. Being the oldest child/niece/grandchild it was always going to be difficult for everyone to say goodbye especially if you consider how close we are. (My extended family are my actual neighbours, so very close). At 22 I’ve had the luxury of living at home my entire life and completed my Undergrad in Galway where I am also undertaking my masters degree. Life is about to change dramatically for me.

According to the in flight map we are currently flying over Mongolia, this means I only have four hours left of this journey that started 17 hours ago with a bus from Galway to Dublin. I will live in Northern Vietnam for 11 weeks and here is where I will carry out research that will eventually lead to a completed thesis. I am excited to see what this journey brings, not only for college and career decisions but life experiences too. I will probably spend the next four hours on this plane snoozing and reading before a hectic week begins for me, but as they saying goes ”Great things never came from comfort zones”.