Building Blocks of Food System Transformation

28. February 2021 Uncategorized 0
The 2021 Food Systems Summit has been convened to raise awareness of the actions needed to transform food systems in order to combat hunger and also tackle the increasing incidents of diet and nutrition related disease. The Food Systems Summit, at its core, recognises the role food and agriculture play in achieving Sustainable Development Goals ...

Plastic Fantastic: plastic pollution as a source for good

17. February 2021 Uncategorized 0
“Rivers carry trash over long distances and connect nearly all land surfaces with the oceans,” making them a major battleground in the fight against sea pollution, explains Christian Schmidt, a hydrogeologist at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany. Patel, Prachi. “Stemming the Plastic Tide: 10 Rivers Contribute Most of the Plastic in ...

The Conquest of Bread (waste?)

11. February 2021 Uncategorized 0
“Things are what we encounter and ideas are what we project” (Stein, 1927). The thingness of objects, as suggested by Bill Brown, reveal themselves  when they stop working for us, “when their flow within the circuits of production and distribution, consumption and exhibition has been arrested”. The realisation of the thingness of the food system ...

Global Landscape Forum Biodiversity Digital Conference

19. January 2021 Uncategorized 0
The Global Landscape Forum Biodiversity Digital Conference was a two day conference (28th-29th October 2020) hosting speakers over 50 sessions dealing with diverse topics and diverse speakers from diverse backgrounds but the common goals of protecting biodiversity, restoring biodiversity and healing the planet.  Over the two days panels spoke of impending biodiversity loss in the ...