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Project description

Purpose of study

To explore whether and how reorganization (which, in the scope of this study, includes capacity building activities) within DFIs increases access to climate finance. The study will analyze four types of reorganizations, namely: creation of a dedicated unit to climate change, hiring of additional staff, up-skilling of existing staff, availing of training sessions from the GCF, GEF and or AF.

Research objectives and Questions:

 Research Objectives

  • To determine the impact of reorganization within a DFI on access to climate finance.
  • To determine the main barriers to accessing climate finance.
  • To determine the most cost-effective types of reorganisation activities within a DFI that can impact on improved access to GEF, GCF and AF climate financing.

Research questions

  • What are the main barriers for DFIs to access GEF, GCF and AF climate financing?
  • Which of the barriers for this to climate financing can be addressed by reorganisation?
  • Does reorganisation within a DFI lead to a greater leveraging of climate finance?
  • Which types of reorganisation within a DFI have the most impact on access to GEF, GCF and AF climate financing?
  • How do different types of reorganisation within a DFI impact on improved access to GEF, GCF and AF climate financing?
  • What are the most cost-effective types of reorganisation activities within a DFI that can impact on improved access to GEF, GCF and AF climate financing?


Ho: Restructuring of operations has no impact on challenges of accessing climate finance.

Ha: Restructuring of operations allows challenges of accessing climate finance to be addressed.


DFIs could be key in helping developing countries access the much-needed funds to advance the climate change agenda. Therefore, effective methods of accessing climate funds by DFIs is important, to ensure low carbon economic development and client resilient communities.