The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Adaptation for Smallholder Adaptation Programme (ASAP)

With deadlines looming, and the thesis due exactly a month today, it is time to get the skates on and start tidying up the different sections throughout my project while simultaneously adding to my results…

I have a focus on two case studies- Cambodia and Vietnam which are more or less completed in the literature review and so I am currently writing up the results found through the coding process. Both countries have what are known as ‘ASAP’ projects. In Cambodia to date, 9 projects have been conducted in the country, at a total cost of US$588.43 million, with IFAD financing amounting to US$151.6 million and an estimated 1,338,500 households have benefited directly- accessed 18th July 2019 at: <> Since 1993, IFAD has invested US$334.5 million to finance 14 projects and programmes related to agricultural development in Vietnam, benefiting 669,070 households- accessed on 18th July 2019 at: <>

At the moment I am coding ASAP projects. ASAP is IFADs flagship programme which focuses on the farmers who live in the most vulnerable landscapes and are on the front line to climate change. There is heavy dependence on natural resources (which are normally climate sensitive) to make a living. Extreme events such as flooding, typhoons, heatwaves and landslides inter alia are examples of extreme events which can inhibit a smallholder’s productivity. Pest infestations due to climatic change are also on the rise with longer breeding periods and warmer temperatures. Other challenges which smallholders face are a lack of access to land, market and financial resources. Through ASAP, IFAD has helped over 8 million smallholder farmers in 43 countries to build resilient livelihoods in the face of climate change.

For an overview of all the ASAP projects undertaken by IFAD, please follow this link: (accessed 18th July 2019) for more information on each country.

The following doughnut chart created by IFAD comprises of the indicative distribution of 2018 investment programmes by area of thematic focus and includes the percentage of focus per strategic objective.

Indicative distribution of 2018 investment programmes by area of thematic focus. Source: Accessed 18th July 2019