Reflections on a Grad School Year

Balancing MScCCAFS coursework, research, parenting, and running a farm and consulting business over the past year in the midst of a global pandemic and accelerating climate change has been a multifaceted challenge to say the least. However, I’ve learned a lot, and enjoyed getting to know my fellow classmates in the program, even if from a distance.

Me with my family on a hike Spring of 2021 – we did find time to have fun too!

I’ve also really enjoyed the opportunity to reconnect with my academic “roots” in agroecology. I graduated college in 2002, having studied agroecology and sustainable agriculture with Steve Gliessman and others at UC Santa Cruz. Since then, I’ve been immersed in running small organic farms, teaching organic agriculture and Permaculture design, and helping others set up their farm, forestry, agroforestry, and water systems as a consultant.

I was quite excited when my research project turned out to involve investigating whether and how agroecology is being integrated into climate policy, as it was great to see all of the research on the subject that has taken place over the last 20 years when I’ve been “out in the field.”

Some of the fruits of our labor from Summer of 2021 – I’ve enjoyed working in the garden during research breaks!

My research project has definitely piqued my interest in further studies along these lines, as I feel like advancing policies promoting agroecology as a means of adapting to and mitigating climate change is important and necessary work. I also feel like my hands-on experience in applying and advancing agroecological production on my own smallholding gives me a good sense of the challenges and opportunities inherent in these systems, as well as ways to strengthen their viability socially, economically, and agronomically. I look forward to continuing to pursue work in this area both locally and farther afield as I finish up my MSc degree. Overall, this has been a great course, and I thank the professors and fellow students that made it work despite challenging circumstances!