Additional Reading Materials

Nuss ET, Tanumihardjo SA (2011) Quality protein maize for Africa: closing the protein
inadequacy gap in vulnerable populations. Advances in Nutrition 2:217-224
Pasley HR, Camberato JJ, Cairns JE, Zaman-Allah M, Das B, Vyn TJ (2020) Nitrogen rate
impacts on tropical maize nitrogen use efficiency and soil nitrogen depletion in eastern and
southern Africa. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems:1-12
Peng Y, Niu J, Peng Z, Zhang F, Li C (2010) Shoot growth potential drives N uptake in maize
plants and correlates with root growth in the soil. Field Crops Research 115:85-93

Simić M, Dragičević V, Mladenović Drinić S, Vukadinović J, Kresović B, Tabaković M,
Brankov M (2020) The contribution of soil tillage and nitrogen rate to the quality of maize
grain. Agronomy 10:976
Sunday I, Babatunde A, Stephen A, Charity A, Kayode O (2020) Gene action in low nitrogen
tolerance and implication on maize grain yield and associated traits of some tropical maize
populations. Open Agric 5:801-805