LCA Findings

Research findings are promising and novel for the growth of biofortified crops. Generally, the global warming potential associated with Provitamin A maize and High Iron value chains by using life cycle assessment LCA methodology is low. However, efforts are needed to reduce major environmental emissions in some of the activities or processes along the value chain. The major hotspots included diesel emissions during transport of biofortified maize and beans from production to processing and diesel involved during distribution. Nitrogen fertilizer emissions during cultivation is another hotspot area as well as electricity used during processing (maize milling).   The Nutrient Density Unit (NDU) is used to compare the environmental burden per nutrient concentration between the biofortified and conventional varieties. Our results demonstrate that the footprint per nutrient density for biofortified maize and beans is respectively 18.6% and 20%, less than conventional maize and bean varieties. Furthermore, biofortified maize and beans crops provide higher nutrients per serving of 19% and 21%, respectively, than conventional varieties.  This study provides evidence for significant environmental benefits, in addition to nutritional benefits, arising from the use of biofortified crop varieties when compared to conventional crop varieties.

I want to extend my thanks to my supervisors, Prof. Charles Spillane, Dr. Peter, Dr. David Style, Valerie Friesen, and GAIN staff in Tanzania, for their endless support to ensure I successful complete my research. The Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) could not be possible without help from Meru Agro, TARI Selian, AFCO Investment, and SUGECO that were willing to provide their data. But also, Ms. Margareth Natai from the Ministry of Agriculture and staff from CIMMYT and CIAT.