Hello Hanoi

Ive arrived in hanoi. I first knew things would be different here from the moment i witnessed the mopeds heavily saturated with goods which we passed en route from the airport. They would be so full id wonder how on earth they could ever still move.
This feeling of alienation was further compounded on arrival in the city centre, at 5 in the morning, where I witnessed a fitness class, complete with thumping dance music in full swing. Far from my usual towns slow and sleepy start, where morning deliveries are still being unloaded at 10am.

From here, after a long flight, I went to our university and to our accomadation. Finally, a rest!.. For 1 hour before meeting our project supervisor. The eeting went swimingly. She could not have been a nicer more thoughtful lady. From here we picked up some neccesities for life in vietnam such as sim cards and were given a few hours respite before meeting another member of the team. After this, I was at last free to collapse onto my new bed.