Project Description

Identifying suitable channels to improve the delivery of climate information services to marginalized Robusta coffee farmers in Vietnam’s Central Highlands.

Many Robusta coffee farmers in the Central Highlands region have already experienced changes in weather patterns, and it is projected that climate change will only exacerbate these shifts in the future. Farmers will need to adapt, and their decision-making could be aided with access to the appropriate information. The purpose of this project is to identify suitable channels that are able to improve the delivery of climate information to marginalized coffee farmers in the Central Highland region. This will require an assessment of the sector’s value chain in order to identify the information channels that farmers of different demographics can access, as well as which actors may be best-suited for delivering information to marginalized farmers.

My thesis research is hosted by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) based in Hanoi, Vietnam in partnership with their Weather Forecasting for Coffee Sustainability (WEFOCOS) project.