Thesis Research

The title of my research project is “Opportunities for Leveraging Climate Smart Agriculture to Contribute to Nutrition and Food Security Outcomes in Myanmar“. Essentially what we are trying to achieve is to measure the impact that particular Climate Smart Agricultural techniques can have on improving food security and nutrition for rural communities in Myanmar.

This paper discusses some of the benefits associated with CSA.

Unfortunately due to COVID-19 I could not personally travel out to Myanmar to conduct this research which was the original plan but like everyone else in these difficult times we had to adapt and work with what we got. I am now carrying out this research remotely from my home right here in Ireland. I am doing this research in partnership with IIRR who are dedicated to improving the livelihoods of those most in need in rural communities all around the world.

Here is some of the amazing work the IIRR carry out in Rural communities

Although this research project didn’t turn out how I originally expected and I was very disappointed that I did not get to travel I am still very honoured to carry out this amazing work. I hope that my research can contribute in some way to the overall aim of this organisation. By working closely with the community and listening to what they actually want and need, IIRR hopes to build resilience and improve livelihoods in these rural communities for generations to come.

Published by

Andrew Hanley

Recent graduate of NUIG with an undergad in Plant and AgriBioscience. I am currently undergoing a masters at NUIG in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food security.