NPD and Neophobia

Reading and searching through published papers on the topic New Product Development (NPD) in the dairy sector , I came across this paper referenced below I found it very interesting.

It explains how consumers have a fear of new products and how this can have a huge effect of the success rate of a product or company , something I never thought about before starting this review !

Having come from an ecology and environmental biology background I had studied neophobia in birds . It was interesting to compare and contrast what I had previously studied to what I was learning now !

Worth a read !

Barrena, R. and Sánchez, M., 2013. Neophobia, personal consumer values and novel food acceptance. Food quality and preference, 27(1), pp.72-84.

Neophobia is the fear of anything new, especially a persistent and abnormal fear. In its milder form, it can manifest as the unwillingness to try new things Photo Credit